Tag Archives: Ruby on Rails

Installing Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X 10.5

Hi All,
It’s time to learn a new language. I have learnt a lesson the hard way. On many occasions I have faced different problems and solved it. Few days later, I face the same problem. It strikes me at that moment, ” I have seen this ERROR”. or “I know how to do this”. But, I still have to do the research that I did a few days back. So I thought it’s better to document, what I do, so that I can have it as a reference for the future.

My problems aside… Let’s get to the point.

I wanted to learn ruby on rails. oof.. the moment I said this. There were people saying.. oh another Web framework. But, I have done my research and I’m gonna learn Ruby on Rails.
So let’s start.
Where to start?
Installation of Ruby on Mac OS X 10.5 :

You can install Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X using GEM . What is GEM?

Gem is a package manager for Ruby on Rails. In Short its like a exe or dmg for Ruby programming language. All the libraries and sources are installed properly by gem.

Mac comes with Gem installed ( Which I was unaware of, after some reading, I found that out). But, I faced a problem while trying to install ruby with gems.

I issued the following command to install rails.

gem install rails

I got an error stating,

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)
    HTTP Response 301 fetching http://gems.rubyforge.org/yaml

After doing some research online, I found that, may be my gems installation was out of date. So I decided to install gem.
I downloaded RubyGems1.3.7

1) Unzip the tar.

2) cd path/to/rubygems1.3.7

3) sudo ruby setup.rb

After installing the fresh copy of Ruby gems, I was able to install rails by issuing

sudo gem install rails

Rails ready to go.